Mapeo is a project designed to give visibility to artistic activity in the city of Compostela. Conceived as an opportunity to experience firsthand the artistic work of the creators living in the city, Mapeo allows Compostela residents to enter the creative world of these artists by accessing their studio spaces—unique environments where artists develop their work.
In artistic literature, the studio is often depicted as the place where the magic of creation happens, a space for experimentation and testing. It may be filled with still lifes and disorder in some cases, or dominated by systematization and meticulousness in others. It is also a place for introspection, reflection, revisiting memories, and refining one’s perspective.
The studio is a lived-in, transient space that reflects the personality of the artist, outside the sterile and politically correct public scene. What happens there reveals, better than any exhibition, the nature of creation and the concerns of the artists, turning it into a space of alchemy, of open possibilities, a unique and extraordinary universe.
Mapeo is intended as a walking tour in which the must-see stops are the studios of local creators. Once there, visitors will have the chance to learn about the artists’ work directly from them, as well as that of other invited artists. Over the course of a weekend, each studio will have visiting hours during which the public can enter freely and enjoy whatever is happening. The element of surprise is important in this tour, inviting participants to let themselves be captivated, with discovery as the starting premise.
The idea behind Mapeo is to create closer connections with artistic creation, enabling direct interaction with creators and moving away from the concept of the white cube, to present contemporary art in a new way. As a complement, we are offering a performance by the artist Wences Lamas and a poetry reading by poet Nuria Vil.
A project by
Friday, October 11
11:00 AM › 1:00 PM
Rúa da Porta da Pena 12, 1ºA
Marta Pazos + Hugo Torres
5:00 PM › 7:00 PM
Rúa da Queimada 49, ground floor
8:00 PM
Galería Patio de Luz
Rúa da Caldeirería, 38
Wences Lamas › Cíclope
Mery Pais + Mª José Domínguez
Saturday, October 12
11:00 AM › 1:00 PM
Rúa Casas da Hedra, 20
Manuel Eirís + Alejandra Pombo Su
1:00 PM › 2:30 PM
Rúa Ponte do Sar 31, ground floor
Pablo Barreiro
Rúa Ponte do Sar 8, ground floor
Mauro Trastoy
5:00 PM › 6:30 PM
Rúa de San Pedro 121, 1º
John Eastham
6:30 PM › 8:00 PM
Praza do Toural 9, 3º
Santiago Talavera + Ruth Montiel + María Meijide
8:00 PM
Galería Patio de Luz
Rúa da Caldeirería, 38
Nuria Vil › Poesía Velada